Friday, June 22, 2012

Weight Loss Made easy with hypnosis and NLP and Debbie Williams

  • Popular Weight-Loss Surgery Increases Risk Of Alcohol Use Disorders, Study Finds June 21, 2012

    People who receive the most popular weight-loss surgical procedure are at increased risk of developing symptoms of alcohol use disorders, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH) researchers have discovered... [?]

  • Popular Weight-Loss Surgery Increases Risk Of Alcohol Use Disorders, Study Finds June 21, 2012

    People who receive the most popular weight-loss surgical procedure are at increased risk of developing symptoms of alcohol use disorders, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH) researchers have discovered... [?]

  • Lack Of Time, Training Among Top Barriers To Physical Activity Counseling In The Primary Care Setting June 21, 2012

    Lack of time, knowledge and training in health promotion and lack of success with changing patient behavior were among the top barriers to including effective physical activity counseling in the primary care setting, according to research by The University of Texas School of Public Health, part of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTH [?]

  • PR Campaigns By Soda Companies Are Bad For Health June 21, 2012

    Health advocates need to organize strong public health campaigns to educate the public and policymakers about the dangers of both sugary beverages and the misleading industry corporate social responsibility campaigns that distract from their products' health risks, according to US experts writing in this week's PLoS Medicine... [?]

  • Eating Disorder Behaviors And Weight Concerns Are Common In Women Over 50 June 21, 2012

    Eating disorders are commonly seen as an issue faced by teenagers and young women, but a new study reveals that age is no barrier to disordered eating. In women aged 50 and over, 3.5% report binge eating, nearly 8% report purging, and more than 70% are trying to lose weight... [?]

  • Minimally Invasive Bariatric Procedures Safer And Cheaper Than Open Surgery June 20, 2012

    Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedures are safer and cheaper than open surgery procedures, researchers from Stanford University Medical Center reported in the journal Archives of Surgery. Open surgery involves making a large abdominal incision. The authors added that theirs is the first study to compare minimally invasive and open approaches to bar [?]

  • Adults Agree On Top Children's Health Issues Regardless Of Political Party Affiliation: Childhood Obesity, Bullying June 20, 2012

    During this presidential election season, there will be plenty of debate between the candidates on the issues. But when it comes to childhood health concerns, a new poll shows many adults agree on the top priorities they want to see the candidates address: childhood obesity and bullying. The University of Michigan C.S... [?]

  • Gastric Bypass Surgery Linked To Alcoholism June 19, 2012

    New research released this week from University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health is showing that people who have undergone the increasingly popular gastric bypass surgery appear to be at an increased risk of developing alcohol disorders, abuse and dependence, better known as alcoholism. The findings of Wendy King, Ph.D... [?]

  • Obese Children May Have Difficult Time In School June 19, 2012

    Over the past four decades, the incidence of childhood obesity has increased significantly and has been associated to a wide array health problems. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri, Columbia, the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Vermont have discovered that weight can affect a child's academic performance... [?]

  • Tiny Vitamin In Milk Makes For Mightier Mice June 19, 2012

    A new study reveals that giving mice high doses of a tiny, newly-found relative of vitamin B3 that is present naturally in milk makes them leaner, faster and stronger and less prone to chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes, even when fed on a high-fat diet... [?]

  • Complications Related To Bariatric Procedures Reduced By Minimally Invasive Surgery June 19, 2012

    A study by researchers at Stanford University Medical Center has found that a popular weight-loss operation is safer and reduces hospital bills when done with minimally invasive techniques rather than open surgery, which requires a large abdominal incision... [?]

  • MRI Images Show What The Brain Looks Like When You Do Something You Know You Shouldn't June 19, 2012

    New pictures from the University of Iowa show what it looks like when a person runs out of patience and loses self-control. A study by University of Iowa neuroscientist and neuro-marketing expert William Hedgcock confirms previous studies that show self-control is a finite commodity that is depleted by use... [?]

  • Study Sheds Light On Risk Of Bariatric Procedures Including Increased Alcohol Use Disorders Over Time June 19, 2012

    Adults who had a common bariatric surgery to lose weight had a significantly higher risk of alcohol use disorders (AUD) two years after surgery, according to a study by a National Institutes of Health research consortium... [?]

  • Global Fatness Adds Half Billion Extra People June 19, 2012

    Population fatness puts as big a pressure on world resources as numbers, and the global effect of overweight and obese people is like adding half a billion to the 7 billion humans on the planet, scientists revealed this week... [?]

  • Nectarines, Plums And Peaches May Fight Obesity And Diabetes June 19, 2012

    Stone fruits, also known as drupes, such as nectarines, plums and peaches, may contain useful compounds that help fight-off metabolic syndrome, which can lead to diabetes, heart attack and stroke, say researchers from Texas AgriLife Research, a member of Texas A & M University System... [?]

  • An Estimation Of Total Adult Human Biomass - The Weight Of Nations June 19, 2012

    The world population is over seven billion and all of these people need feeding. However, the energy requirement of a species depends not only on numbers but on its average mass... [?]

  • Soft Drink Consumption Not The Major Contributor To Childhood Obesity June 18, 2012

    Most children and youth who consume soft drinks and other sweetened beverages, such as fruit punch and lemonade, are not at any higher risk for obesity than their peers who drink healthy beverages, says a new study published in the October issue of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism... [?]

  • Obesity Spread Likely Due To Environmental Factors June 18, 2012

    An international team of researchers' study of the spatial patterns of the spread of obesity suggests America's bulging waistlines may have more to do with collective behavior than genetics or individual choices. The team, led by City College of New York physicist Hernan Makse, found correlations between the epidemic's geography and food marke [?]

  • Tiny Vitamin In Milk, In High Doses, Makes Mice Leaner, Faster And Stronger June 18, 2012

    A novel form of vitamin B3 found in milk in small quantities produces remarkable health benefits in mice when high doses are administered, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College and the Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland... [?]

  • Obesity In Childhood Can Harm Social And Emotional Well-Being And Academic Performance June 16, 2012

    Obesity among children has increased dramatically over the past 40 years and has been tied to many health problems. Now a new study has found that children's weight is associated with their math performance... [?]

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