Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday Roundup: News, Archives, and Useful Links on the Study of ...

The Friday Roundup is a weekly feature that offers a look at news,?archive, and worthwhile links around the web on the study of War and Society.



The National Security Archive

The National Security Archive is based out of George Washington University and has hundreds of declassified American government documents available for use. This resource is a great tool for those writing papers on any American subject but in particular from the Second World War?onward. The site is updated frequently with news articles and recently declassified material. This site is a must visit for anyone researching topics related to modern American National Security.



Quebecers may view veterans, military past differently

The differences in how Canadians choose to remember our Veterans is the center of discussion in this CBC news article. The study under discussion focuses on the?situation?in Quebec where statistically more?Quebecers?are aware of events honouring Quebec?s Veterans but are statistically less likely to participate in the commemorations themselves. The article does not go into detail over why there is such a difference between Quebec and the rest of Canada when it comes to participating in veteran commemorations, but does open up the discussion on how Canadians remember our veterans and their service to Canada.


General Interests

Photoshopping Through history

The tools of photo editing have not just been for advertising and making entertaining pictures on the internet. Since the invention of the photograph pictures have been edited to suit the interests of various groups and individuals. This site is a collection of examples where the images have been ?photoshopped? with a quick explanation of why they were tampered with. Some of the most iconic pictures are revealed to have been edited and this site is definitely something worth checking out.


War of 1812

Ontario Historical Society 1812?Bicentennial?

As the official date of the declaration of the War of 1812 was recognized this past week the Friday Roundup commemorates the event with the beginning of a new monthy 1812 feature. For this month?s feature the Ontario Historical society has done a brilliant job in facilitating an 1812 webpage with links on news and events pertaining to the 1812 celebrations as well as offering educational resource links for those who are seeking to learn more about the war itself. It also boast an Ontario Heritage Directory allowing anyone to find out more about the opportunities to get in touch with dozens of Ontario heritage organizations. For anyone looking to celebrate the Bicentennial or find out more about the War of 1812, the Ontario Historical Society?s site is a great place to start your search.

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