Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New ways to prevent allergies |

You can not completely prevent allergies in young children with the knowledge we have today, although the cellular and genetic engineering promises hope for the absolute prevention in the future. Meanwhile, parents with allergies or asthma can make changes and use filterqueen environmental prevention strategies discussed to help at least reduce or delay the occurrence of allergy and asthma through filter queen in their children.

Prevention of allergies has been of interest for decades to the allergy specialist and their patients. Since allergies and asthma are presented by families, special efforts have been directed towards children prevention of allergic or asthmatic parents. Although allergies can not be prevented in a uniform and definite, recent information suggests that there are steps you can take a family allergic to delay or reduce the occurrence of allergies in their infants filterqueen.

Prevention of food allergies: the main strategy to prevent food allergies is to delay exposure to potentially allergenic foods, as newborn infants may be more susceptible to food sensitization older infants. Recommended breast feeding at least four to six months. In infants who are not breast-fed, or to supplement breast milk be used protein hydrolyzate formulas such as Nutramigen and Alimentum instead of soy-based formula or milk, as these protein hydrolysates have shown to be less sensitizing.

Solid foods should be delayed until six months old. When infants are six to twelve months of age may enter vegetables, rice, meat and fruit to their diets. Each meal should be introduced one at a time and parents and caretakers of the child can identify and eliminate any foods that cause a reaction. After the child turns one year old, you can add milk, wheat, corn, citrus, and soy every two weeks or every month. Finally after two years of age may be considered eggs, peanuts and fish. This diet has been shown to reduce or delay the food allergy and eczema in infants of allergic parents.

Prevention of inhalant allergies: Studies in animals suggest that there is great risk of becoming allergic to substances in the air which the animal is exposed shortly after birth. Similarly, the development of mite allergy in children has been linked to the amount of early exposure to dust mites. Furthermore, the development of allergy to cats in children is associated with the presence of a cat at home birth. Although definitive data are lacking, this suggests that certain steps that control in an aggressive manner to the mites can reduce the occurrence of allergy.

These include using plastic covers on pillows and mattresses, washing bedding in hot water every seven to ten days, avoid high indoor relative humidity, and, optimally, remove carpets, upholstered furniture, and objects that keep dust the fourth of the infants. In a similar manner, infants from allergic families should not be exposed to pets in the house during the first years of life in an attempt to prevent the subsequent development of allergy products.

Prevention of asthma and allergies may develop asthma, it is not surprising that infants exposed to small amounts of dust mites during infancy are less likely to develop allergic asthma. Then, the aggressive control of mites should reduce the occurrence of asthma and allergy of the upper airways.

Also, exposure to pets during infancy may increase the risk of developing asthma. In addition, maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with increased wheezing in infancy in children of smokers, and exposure to passive smoking has been shown to increase asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases in childhood. It is therefore very important that infants not exposed to second hand smoking prenatally or during childhood.

Finally, the respiratory infection is a common trigger of asthma and may initiate it. Thus, maneuvers that reduce the frequency of respiratory infections in infancy, such as breast feeding and avoiding childcare for very young children may be useful in preventing asthma.

Conclusion: You can not completely prevent allergies in young children with the knowledge we have today, although the cellular and genetic engineering promises hope for the absolute prevention in the future. Meanwhile, parents with allergies or asthma can make changes and use filterqueen environmental prevention strategies discussed to help at least reduce or delay the occurrence of allergy and asthma through filter queen in their children.

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