Thursday, May 24, 2012

PUBLIC SPEAKING Part 3 - Academic and Creative Writing Journal ...



The Four Aspects of an Effective Lecture



The lecture is still the most frequently used method of instruction.?

Even if you are not a teacher, in your everyday work you may be constantly using the medium of speech to convey a message or instruction or for informal training or motivational purposes.?

How well you put across your ideas depends to a large extent on now well you have mastered the elements of good public speaking.

An important pre-requisite of a good lecture is that it must be carefully prepared to the extent that you have a firm mastery of the topic you are going to discuss and a clear conception in your mind of how you are going to present the subject.

A good lecture has four simple requirements:


The first characteristic of a good lecture is that it must have a message. The lecturer must have something to say and what the lecturer says must be worth saying and worth listening to.?

You must clearly bring out the importance of the topic and why the audience needs to hear you and unambiguously state your message so that the audience understands what you want to say.

You may have heard Aristotle?s dictum on?rhetoric:

"Tell them what you are going to say,?say it,?and then tell them what you told them."

So, to get your message across, thus is what you must do:

1. Tell the audience what you are going to tell them

2. Tell them what you want to tell them

3. Tell them what you have told them


The second attribute of a good talk is naturalness.?

Remember, the audience wants to hear?YOU?so make it your own lecture, your very own talk ? speak in your very own natural style, don?t try to copy someone else.


The third feature of an effective lecture is that it must be sincere.?

The audience must be convinced that you believe in what you say, so make sure you talk sincerely and clearly demonstrate that you believe in what you are saying.?

Remember, you cannot fake sincerity so the only way to succeed in giving an impression of sincerity is to be sincere. Don't try to ham, act or pretend - the audience will easily catch on that you do not yourself believe in what you are saying.?

And suppose you do not believe in something or are not fully convinced about a topic.?

Well, why talk about something you do not believe in??

As a Teacher or Speaker you must be true to your conscience and you must not live a lie and say something you do not believe in.?

Remember the saying of Mahatma Gandhi:

What you?think,?

what you?say,?

and what you?do?

must be in?harmony.

This must be evident to the audience.


Finally, last but not the least, a good lecturer or speaker must radiate enthusiasm and energy.?

An enthusiastic speaker is one who displays great eagerness to have his or her ideas understood, believed and put into practice.?

You should be passionate about what you are speaking about and you must yourself believe in what you are saying.?

If you want your audience to be enthusiastic about listening to you, radiate enthusiasm yourself while speaking.

So, in a nutshell, before you deliver your next lecture, keep these basic four principles in mind (message,?naturalness,?sincerity,?enthusiasm) and you will deliver a great lecture ? you can take my word for it.

All the Best ? May you become an effective communicator and deliver excellent lectures and speeches.

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