Friday, August 31, 2012

Priest who translated Bible into Chinese to be beatified

The Italian Franciscan priest, Fr Gabriele Maria Allegra, who translated the entire Bible into Chinese for the first time, will be beatified next month, reports Vatican Insider.

The beatification of the man known as ?the Saint Jerome of China? will take place ten years after Pope John Paul II first recognised a miracle through his intercession in 2002.?

The ceremony should have taken place on October 2002, but the Holy See decided to postpone it because at that time relations were particularly tense with China following the canonisation of the Chinese martyrs in the year 2000.?

Moreover, the Vatican was also concerned about further possible negative reactions from the Chinese authorities who had criticised the Franciscan for some allegedly anti-Communist writings.??

On?August 15, however, the Holy See announced, through the Sicilian Province of the Franciscans, that the authorisation had been given for his beatification to take place, but in Sicily, the land of his birth, not in Hong Kong.?This decision appears to have been taken out of a desire not to ruffle Chinese sensibilities.

Father Joseph Ha, who heads the Order of Friars Minor in Hong Kong, told the UCA News that the announcement came as ?a surprise to many of us.?? When asked if Italy has been chosen as the venue for the ceremony in order to avoid provoking the Beijing government, he said it was ?a good guess, very reasonable.?

FULL STORY Italian priest who translated Bible into Chinese will be beatified (Vatican Insider)?


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Why Exercise? Discover the health Benefits of Exercising - Health ...

Why Exercise? Is it just a fad or are there actual health benefits? Should everyone Exercise? What motivates people to exercise?

These are many legit questions that are worth asking at the thought of embarking on any exercise trail. Diligence is required to reap the rewards of exercising so you should not just started without equipping yourself with the right info at the risk of either under- or over-exerting yourself!

So yes, if you are a pro-healthy living, life loving cheerful person, consider this as a countdown (in no particular order though) to some fabulous reasons why everyone should actually exercise. And to be fair, I have excluded the obvious most common motivating reason: to have a desirable physique!

1.????? Achieving your Weight loss goals

Although the popular notion that the primary aim of exercise is for weight loss and/or body building, exercising has much more to offer. Weight loss as a key health benefit of exercise needs to be rightly categorized: as a long-term goal.

Obviously, the weight loss part is probably sold too heavily to people starting fitness programs and as human experience has shown, people have trouble sticking with something if they don?t see results quickly. So whatever weight loss goal you have when starting a fitness program, don?t make it your only goal but it could be a good place to start.

2.????? Ward-off your risk of Chronic Diseases and complications

Physical activity and exercising is indispensible in both the prevention and management of hypertension, coronary heart diseases (heart attacks) and diabetes all of which are directly linked to obesity. Simple lifestyle modifications like ?being on the move? and making conscious efforts to exercise are highly recommended by health practitioners for the control of many chronic diseases. Other examples of lifestyle modifications are dieting/healthy eating, quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake.

3.????? Exercise notably helps in Cancer prevention

With respect to cancer prevention, exercising earns a high recommendation indirectly from its fat burning ability. But in addition, exercise directly supports the excretion of toxic waste from the body, especially the cell damaging and cancer causing ?free radicals?. The role of exercising as a cancer preventive measure has been particularly documented for cases of breast cancer (where it is linked to decreasing hormonal levels in premenopausal women).

4.????? Getting the most of your meals

Did you know that physical activity improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients from food? While severe stress interferes with food digestion, Exercise actually increases utilization of nutrition.

Exercise sends nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and other tissues in your body and makes your heart and lungs work more efficiently thereby helping with blood circulation.

5.????? Brain Power

It will interest you to know that exercise doesn?t only give power to your muscle but to your brain also. Physical exercise has been discovered to improve the ?brain power? by helping mental function. Exercising increases energy levels as well as promotes the secretion of serotonin in the brain which leads to improved mental clarity/boost that makes for results in a more productive day. It also aids memory and so decreases the gravity of dementia and Alzheimer?s disease in old age.

6.????? Enjoy Fitness to the very core

Exercise helps to tone the muscles, strengthen the bones and firm up cartilages. This reduces the odds of having some of those aches or body pains often experienced in late adulthood grossly due to physical inactivity. It is certainly beneficial in easing the pains of arthritis in old age. In a nutshell, regular exercising is a free ticket to a lifestyle of staying healthy.


Exercise, Weight loss

About Dr. Nonso Jac-Okereke


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What's Hell Like for Mormons?

Republican presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney. How do Mormons envision heaven and hell?

Photograph by Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images.

In his convention speech last night, Mitt Romney joked that he didn?t ask his church to invest in Bain Capital because he didn?t want to go to hell if the company failed. But did he mean the ?telestial kingdom? or the ?outer darkness?? Earlier this year, Forrest Wickman explored the different levels of Mormon heaven and hell, as well the theological principles behind them. His original article is printed below.

Asked for the first thing he would do as president if informed of Fidel Castro?s death, Mitt Romney said that he would "thank heavens that Fidel Castro has returned to his maker and will be sent to another land." What are Mormon heaven and hell like?

There are three heavens and one hell. The three heavens are ranked from most holy to least by their ?degrees of glory." The celestial kingdom is the most desirable, and serves as the destination for all those who accept Jesus, are baptized within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (whether before or after death), and remain faithful throughout their lives. People who die before the age of 8, when Mormons are baptized, also go to the celestial kingdom. The next most desirable heaven is called the terrestrial kingdom, which holds all those who don?t fully accept Jesus on Earth, but who are basically good people and accept him after death. The telestial kingdom is for those who never truly accept Jesus, and includes murderers, as well as ?liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.? These unbelievers must first suffer for their sins, but eventually end up in a blissful place ?surpassing the great understanding of men.?

If you don't get into the one of the three heavens, you're consigned in death to a place called ?outer darkness.? This is reserved only for those who have God revealed to them and then deny Him anyway. While the residents of the telestial kingdom are thought to be ?as innumerable as the stars in the firmament of heaven, or as the sand upon the seashore,? few are bound for outer darkness. These include Cain, Satan, and anyone who joined up with the devil before the creation of the Earth. LDS founder Joseph Smith is supposed to have compared this unpardonable sin to ?say[ing] that the sun does not shine while he sees it.?

There are also different sub-degrees of glory within the celestial kingdom, and the highest degree can be reached only by couples who are married together in the temple, and in which the husband has?joined what Mormons call the ?Melchizedek priesthood." (Pretty much every devout male Mormon joins the priesthood by the time he?s married.) Those who attain the highest degree become gods in the afterlife, meaning that they can bear new children in heaven, and may even have their own planets.

Depictions of the afterlife by LDS members are similar to those by many other Christians. Paintings and drawings often contain figures dressed in white and angels in the clouds, and indeed in Mormon doctrine dwellers of the three kingdoms of heaven are resurrected with physical bodies. While in both Mormon scripture and popular culture hell is often depicted as being a place where ?the fire is not quenched,? along with plenty of ?weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth,? Mormons believe this may be figurative. Mormon scripture declares that when it comes to outer darkness, no man on Earth can understand ?the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof.? Indeed, outer darkness may not be dark at all?the name refers not to inferior lighting, but to an absence of any godly presence.

Mormon doctrine does not say whether Fidel Castro would ?meet his maker,? or (as Newt Gingrich suggested) ?go to the other place.? A dead Castro, too, would have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as his savior and repent of his sins, and he may receive a surrogate baptism by LDS members after his death.

Got a question about today?s news??Ask the Explainer.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

xtinachoi: The Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo?Rome, Italy ?...

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    The Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo?Rome, Italy ? 2011 Christina Choi

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Canada's hot condo market set to get even hotter

TORONTO ? A new condo report suggests first-time buyers, retirees and population growth will continue to fuel demand and price growth for the compact living spaces over the next few years.

The study by Genworth Canada found that average condo resale prices are expected to rise next year in seven of the eight metropolitan centres studied.

Prices in Toronto are projected to jump 2.5% to $312,352.

For those seeking to own a home affordably in urban centres, condos remain a good option

The highest increase however, is expected to be in Edmonton where prices could rise 3.2%.

Vancouver is the only city where condo prices are expected to drop, by 2% to $348,152.

The report stands in contrast to warnings from economists and officials that the condo market in some hot markets is reaching bubble territory that could soon burst.

The Bank of Canada and federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty have cautioned Canadians repeatedly to moderate borrowing on real estate, declaring household debt to be the domestic economy?s number one enemy.

The central bank noted certain segments of the housing market that have a persistent oversupply ? such as condos in Toronto ? face a higher risk of a price correction.

Genworth ? which earns revenue from selling mortgage insurance ? notes that rising prices for single-detached homes are driving first-time buyers to condos, but retirees also continue to prop up demand.

It suggests that the population is expected to grow in all eight cities studied over the next few years, while employment growth and low interest rates should also support the market.

?This data corroborates our view that the demand for condos in Canada, particularly at the price-point we insure, is well supported by our economy and our population,? said Brian Hurley, chairman and CEO of Genworth Canada.

?For those seeking to own a home affordably in urban centres, condos remain a good option.?

The Genworth Canada report, produced with the Conference Board of Canada, reviewed trends in
Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria.

Census figures for 2011 released in February show multi-unit dwellings ? a category that includes condominiums ? making up roughly half of all new housing stock, a category traditionally led by detached homes.

The numbers also indicate that Canadians are flocking to urban centres. Toronto?s population jumped more than 17% over the previous census period in 2006.

A recent CMHC report said housing starts and home sales have been strong in 2012 ? particularly when it comes to multiple-dwelling units such as townhouses, condos and apartments ? but will soften moderately in coming months into 2013.

The Canadian Press


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Tourists take the cheap flights to Addis Ababa to feel the resurgent ...

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Ethiopia, the biggest piece of land on Africa having licit boundaries offers huge collection of historic relics and site of prime importance and opportunities which are literally unmatchable in quantity of exploration. Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia holds the impeccable record of carrying forward the long christened history, culture and culture of the Ethiopian piece of land, giving the visitors taking the flights to Addis Ababa unparalleled chances to explore the rustic beauty of this African safari.
Meaning ?New Flower? in Amharic, this indigenously built African city founded by Emperor Menelik 2 in 1887, situated at a height of about 7200 feet high, on the foothills of Mount Entoto offers an unique experience of a small town mingling with the gigantic sky-scrapers looming large, with a panoramic view worth to be framed in mind as special to behold and just enjoy. Situated geographically in the heart of the country, slowly gaining pace in creating a niche among the hot tourist destinations of the world is also a top commercial center and of prime importance in the country?s economic scenario.
The raison d??tre of being in this conurbation, one of the greatest metropolises in the world is the National Museum. Founded in 1952, it stands as a symbol of excellence, preserving and displaying the best of country?s historical, cultural and archeological heritage. It?s for Lucy, an early hominid, living millions of years ago, that most of the tourists take the cheap flights to Addis Ababa. To offer much more than just this token example, the collection of artifacts ranging from sculptor to clothing to artwork in the museum just simply bemuses the visiting tourists. Open from 8.30 in the morning to 11.30 in the night it?s a must visit for the ones visiting this part of the world. A mark of Africa?s freedom, having stained glass windows reflecting the pains of the suffering natives, the great African Hall stands tall amongst the must?s list. Close to the Africa Hall is a large square that serves as a natural amphitheater. It is where the commemoration of the great 1974 revolution is being held with great pomp and grandeur. The most famous and oldest park in Africa, the National Park of this city is a place thriving with the vibrancy of the visiting tourists. Featuring a wide variety of native tree species including bushes, shrubs groundcovers and flowers to the likes of rich variety of mammals like Anibus baboon, Guereza, Bush pig, Warthog, Leopard an many other cats. The Lion of Judah is an imposing monument near the train station. Constructed in 1930 prior to the coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie, the golden statue is being supported by the black granite pedestal. The mountain ranges of Entoto are prima facie of Menelik establishing the capital there. The panoramic view of the surroundings along with the serenity of the Church of Entonto Raguel takes one to an altogether different level of sublime bliss and satisfaction. Apart from these the visitors of the Addis Ababa flights can also check out the numerous other attractions like Menelik Mausoleum, St George's Cathedral, the National Museum, Haile Selassie's Grand Palace, AbunePetros Memorial and Meyazia 27 Square.

About the Author

Manshu Singh is an expert content writer at crystal travel for business development. If you want to know about cheap flights to Addis Ababa then you must visit or call 0800 368 0300 for book your Cheap Flights toAddis Ababa.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Talk to Your Partner about Credit - Personal Finance ...

From: Credit and Personal Finance Blog | Credit Karma - 2:10pm - August 28, 2012

Shocking news: A new survey by Chase and XO reveals that money is the number one cause of conflict for couples. Are you surprised? Probably not. If you?ve ever been in a relationship?or if you?re currently in one?you?ve probably had a few heated discussions over money matters. Sooner or later, you have to talk it out. So we?ve come up with a few tips for talking about one very important aspect of your finances: credit. Here are three ways to ensure your credit conversations stay civil.

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Stay Ahead with Search Engine Marketing India -

Internet is just like a vast ocean of endless information and countless business opportunities. The advancements made in the field of digital media has practically revolutionised everything around us. Right from education, banking, ticketing to shopping - all can be done from your living room, by just pressing the ?Enter? button on your keyboard. In the comfort of your home, you get to choose from a vast variety of international brands. Oh! What a luxury! Internet has surely taken business to a whole new dimension. It offers tremendous opportunities to a business owner to target potential customers in all parts of the world.
However, there can be no denial to the obvious fact that starting any business in today's highly competitive business world also requires a lot of homework. To establish a business in the present day scenario requires the entrepreneur to overcome many challenges and handle every minute detail of perfection. Avoiding or overlooking any such critical requirement can lead to fatal consequences. Today, online marketing is surely much superior to traditional marketing. Therefore, to avail the benefits of web marketing and to promote the concerned business online one must hire the services of a company that specializes in Search engine marketing India.
They say, ?Good things come at a price.? And the SEO services are no exception to this rule. However, there is a difference between being costly and cost-effective. While hiring low cost SEO services from an inexperienced SEO agency can be detrimental for the wellbeing of your online business, there are also many firms that offer incredible services which are sure to fit everyone?s budget easily. The reputed SEO agencies in India offer quality SEO services to suit the needs of any business. Ever SEO services company India has a well formed team of highly skilled, experienced and trained SEO professionals who can take up any sort of SEO challenge to help your business grow by leaps. It is absolutely necessary that the SEO professionals that you hire must give your website appear unique and above the rest of your competitors. And, the Indian SEO firms do not disappoint you.
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Article Added on Wednesday, August 29, 2012


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Learning a New Sport Gives You An Additional Exercise Outlet

Learn a new sportFor those of you who are either contemplating starting to work out or have already started exercising, alternating your physical activities can be one of the keys to helping you stick with it.

Exercising regularly should be something you enjoy and look forward to doing. If running around your neighborhood is the only type of exercise you do, for many people after a few months this becomes somewhat repetitive and monotonous and it is understandable why many often quit in their efforts to stay physically active. That?s why it?s extremely beneficial to have multiple workout options to not only keep your mind engaged in different activities, but your body will also be using different muscles and you may find that you will get into quicker and better shape.

However, before attempting to learn a new sport, make sure your body can handle the new physical activity. You may need some preparation so that you help prevent injury. In addition to that, if the new sport requires special instruction or is very technical in nature, then you will definitely need someone to teach you the skills or take a class to learn proper technique.

For instance, maybe you?ve always wanted to rock climb. Sure that can be an excellent outdoor physical sport, however that activity does balance your life on the edge to some degree. You definitely need proper instruction for this extreme sport since you want to learn what type of equipment you will need, proper knots, correct form, in addition to having a spotter, or someone who goes along with you on climbs to ensure you are doing everything as you are supposed to.

With that being said, there are quite a number of opportunities you can explore to get involved and start learning almost any sport or exercise you desire. This can be an exciting opportunity for you to continue on your journey to get in shape, exercise regularly, and learn a skill that you may have longed to learn for awhile now.

Maybe it has been a lifelong dream for you to be a proficient tennis player since you have been a fan of the sport for years now. Everytime one of the four tennis majors comes on television you get reinspired to learn the sport but for some reason you have not crossed the initial hurdle to get started doing so. Or possibly you used to play soccer as a kid and you would love to get back into the sport but really don?t know how or where to begin.

Whatever the case or situation may be, use these ideas to help get you started on the path to exercise freedom and soon you will say goodbye to the typical jog around the neighborhood.

Local Community College Classes or Parks & Recreation Groups
You may be quite surprised to learn what your community actually offers to aspiring sports enthusiasts. Local colleges generally offer traditional sports classes such as tennis, weightlifting, basketball, and soccer in an 6-8 week session for a fee. You can also check with your city hall to see what the parks and recreation department offers. There are often adult tennis and softball leagues that you can join in addition to Zumba, Yoga, TaiChi, Kickboxing and a number of other classes that you can take. These are sometimes the best avenues to check out since they will most likely be located relatively close to your house so the travel time and convenience factor is a definite plus.

Ask Friends You Know or Facebook Contacts
You might already have someone you know who is already proficient in the sport you desire to learn. These individuals could most likely not only show you the basics and get you going, but also have the knowledge and connections to point you in the right direction. This can really cut down the learning curve if someone can help you avoid the beginner mistakes so you can get right to playing and not have to endure the mishaps that others will have if they learn on their own.

You could even post a Facebook question to all your contacts something such as this ?I want to start taking tennis classes and wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction or knows of someone who could help me out.? It?s as simple as that.

Your Local YMCA
This could be another place to check and see what types of classes are offered. The YMCA may require a monthly/yearly membership fee so be sure to get all the details at their front desk. Most generally have a pool, basketball, and racquetball courts, so sports and classes associated with these activities are usually scheduled on a 6-10 week basis with cost depending on each individual location. You may also find classes such as step aerobics, Zumba, kickboxing, Tai Chi, Yoga, cycling, and more.

Online Group Websites Such as
The Internet community can provide a wonderful opportunity for you to find almost any type of group, activity, exercise, or sport that you can think of. Want to join a zumba group? There?s a group of people in Southern California called Zumba of Pasadena with over 400 members strong. What about a group of dog walkers who go on a variety of adventures with their four-legged companions? Definitely! Check out Active Dog Adventurers and you will have found yourself nearly 500 members who are always coming up with fun and exciting trips in the surrounding areas.

It?s understandable if you are a little apprehensive about meeting complete strangers through the Internet, but you?ll find that the members are generally passionate about that activity and are always welcoming new members, especially those who are enthusiastic and eager to participate.

Private Lessons From An Instructor
If you want to learn the basics in a one on one environment (private lessons) or even small group lessons may be the way to go for you. Most instructors for the sport you are looking to learn can generally be found either online through a simple internet search, or possibly through websites such as Craigslist. For the most part, you will be able to find rates like these: Surfing lessons $40 an hour, Snowboarding $20 for a 2 hour group lesson (Big Bear), Tennis group lesson $10 an hour (Cardio Tennis).

Adult Classes and Leagues
You will have the best luck searching for classes and leagues online and checking with your local city hall community recreation department. Again the number and variety of these activities will most likely be dependent on the size of your city/town. However, even if your community does not offer something you are looking for that doesn?t mean you couldn?t be the person to start one up. You may find that there might be a number of other residents that want to do the exact same thing you do. They are just waiting for someone like you to take the lead and get everything started.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Building Your Custom Dream Home | The NH Blog

Aug 28, 2012 | Guest | Categories : Home Buying Tips | Leave a comment

Turn Your Dream Into Reality

We?ve all thought about what our dream home would be like. Imagine yours. Can you see the front of your house? Is there are charming red door or a blue one? Are there two doors? Can you see the lamp post in your front yard? When you custom build a home, you have the complete satisfaction of knowing that you?re designing your dream home exactly the way you like it. You?ll enjoy every brick and every cornerstone because you intended it to be that way.

Unfortunately it can be a lot more expensive to build your own home than you initially thought. If it?s important to you to design your own home, then it?s worth taking the time to save up for the build. It also requires a lot more planning than buying a house. You are the primary decision maker. You choose every tile, fixture, color, siding, and addition. So do your research and keep all of your plans organized from the beginning. Here are a few things you should consider before you begin designing your dream home:

  1. Location. Where are you planning to live? Would you like to be in a remote area near the woods further away from your neighbors? Would you like to be right next to them? Consider the school district, the crime rate, and environmental factors. Remember, this is where you will reside for the foreseeable future.
  2. Wish List. Before starting the process of building your home, make a list of the things you want and don?t want in the house. Perhaps you don?t want a two-story house if you have elderly relatives. Maybe you want a pool. Do you do a lot of cooking? Perhaps a double-oven is a need. Make sure you cover your details before moving into the bigger picture.
  3. Home Size. If you have a family of six, you?ll probably want a house with several bedrooms. If it?s just you and a spouse, maybe a small cozy cottage is enough. Be sure to think long-term. If you anticipate expanding your family, having elderly relatives moving in with you, or entertaining a lot of guests. In summary: design your house to fit all of your lifestyle needs, now and in the future.
  4. Expert Help or DIY. You might consider yourself somewhat handy around the house, but are you skilled enough to construct your own home? Understand your limitations. You may have to seek expert help and hire a contractor. If you do your due diligence, you can find an affordable one that will fit your budget in your local area. Be sure you?re choosing an accredited and licensed contractor. Take the time to visit several open houses and study the various designs. Take as many pictures as you can. This can inspire you to be creative and will help you develop an overall design theme for your home. Plus, it helps the builders visualize what your dream home is intended to be and make it a reality.

Gina works with Tim Hughes Custom Homes, a leading home builder and commercial real estate developer.

photo courtesy of kevinpoh


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San Francisco archbishop-elect in DUI arrest

FILE - In this file photo from Friday July 27, 2012, newly appointed Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, center, speaks with other members of the church during a press conference held at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco. Cordileone, the Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco, has been arrested for investigation of driving under the influence early Saturday morning in San Diego, says a police spokesman. In July, Pope Benedict XVI selected the Cordileone to replace Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring in October. Cordileone was most recently bishop of Oakland and several years ago was an auxiliary bishop in San Diego. (AP Photo/Michael Short, File)

FILE - In this file photo from Friday July 27, 2012, newly appointed Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, center, speaks with other members of the church during a press conference held at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco. Cordileone, the Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco, has been arrested for investigation of driving under the influence early Saturday morning in San Diego, says a police spokesman. In July, Pope Benedict XVI selected the Cordileone to replace Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring in October. Cordileone was most recently bishop of Oakland and several years ago was an auxiliary bishop in San Diego. (AP Photo/Michael Short, File)

(AP) ? The Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco apologized Monday for his arrest on suspicion of drunken driving, behavior he called an "error in judgment" and that legal experts said was unlikely to derail his promotion.

The Rev. Salvatore Cordileone said in a statement issued by his office that he was driving home from a dinner with friends in San Diego with his mother and a visiting priest friend early Saturday when he was pulled over at a DUI checkpoint near San Diego State University.

The statement said a sobriety test showed his blood-alcohol level to be above the legal limit, although Cordileone did not reveal by how much.

"I apologize for my error in judgment and feel shame for the disgrace I have brought upon the Church and myself," he said. "I pray that God, in His inscrutable wisdom, will bring some good out of this."

Cordileone, 56, currently serves as bishop of Oakland and is scheduled to be installed as San Francisco archbishop on Oct. 4, five days before his first court date.

Pope Benedict XVI selected him last month to replace Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring in October.

Cordileone was stopped around 12:30 a.m. on the outskirts of the campus, a residential area of modest houses, apartment buildings and restaurants where college students mix with the general population.

The archbishop-elect was booked into San Diego County jail two hours later then released at 11:59 a.m. Saturday on $2,500 bond, sheriff's records show. The San Diego city attorney's office, which prosecutes misdemeanor DUI offenses, said it had not received a report on the arrest.

Cordileone took a breath test that confirmed his blood alcohol content exceeded California's legal limit of 0.08 percent, said Officer Mark McCullough, who declined to say by how much.

"He was a driver that was obviously impaired but he was quite cordial and polite throughout," said McCullough, who was at the scene. "He was not a belligerent drunk at all ... There were no problems with him throughout the night.

Cordileone, one of 11 people arrested at the checkpoint that night, identified himself as a priest, said McCullough. An officer did an Internet search and learned he was archbishop-elect.

Canon law experts said a criminal charge would not automatically prompt a delay in Cordileone's installation as archbishop, which is scheduled to take place at St. Mary's Cathedral on Oct. 4, the feast day of San Francisco's patron saint, St. Francis of Assisi.

Because Catholic bishops are answerable only to the pope, any potential discipline would have to come from the Vatican, said Michael Ritty, a canon lawyer in private practice in upstate New York.

"If there was anything, it would be handled in Rome, most likely by the Congregation for Bishops. Depending on the question or type of criminal charge, it might go directly to the pope or as directly as you can get," Ritty said.

Cordileone is a native of San Diego, where he was ordained as a priest in 1982. He has been bishop of Oakland for a little more than three years, and before that, he served as an auxiliary bishop in San Diego.

The Rev. Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, predicted that Cordileone's arrest, while embarrassing, would only draw a response from Rome if it appeared he had a serious substance abuse problem that prevented him from carrying out the archbishop duties.

"The bottom line is there is no real requirement that he resign," Reese said. "If he is an out-of-control alcoholic who can't function, that would be an issue, but obviously he has been the bishop of Oakland all these years and he seems to be able to function. Nobody knows if he has a drinking problem or was one fraction over the (blood alcohol) limit."

Noting that forgiveness is an integral part of the Catholic faith, Reese recalled the 1985 DUI arrest of the late Minneapolis-St. Paul Archbishop John Roach, who pleaded guilty and served two days in jail but remained popular in the post for another decade.

Cordileone will have to "explain this to people, and depending on what he does and how it's perceived, we'll see how it goes" he said. "It could make him more human."

While serving in San Diego four years ago, Cordileone was instrumental in devising an initiative to strip same-sex couples of the right to wed in California. He was part of a statewide network of clergy that promoted the measure, known as Proposition 8. Campaign finance records show he personally gave at least $6,000 to back the voter-approved ban.

Since last year, Cordileone has been chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage.

At a news conference last month, he said he thought the Roman Catholic Church had come a long way in addressing the issue of clergy sex abuse and reiterated his opposition to gay marriage.

"Marriage can only come about through the embrace of a man and a woman coming together," he said. "I don't see how that is discriminatory against anyone."

The archdiocese serves more than 400,000 Catholics in the city of San Francisco and Marin and San Mateo counties. In the post, Cordileone would oversee the bishops in Honolulu, Las Vegas, Oakland, Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Jose, Santa Rosa, and Stockton.


Leff reported from San Francisco.

Associated Press


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Fantastical Words | Some Natural Strategies to Improve ...

Dynamics presented us all one pair of sight you?ll always remember therefore, eyesight attention needs to be a new essential portion of our overall health along with health and fitness routine. Do not let eyesight circumstances to be able to slow down what you can do to see plainly specially when there?s something which can be done to stop this. In line with the U . s . Academy regarding Ophthalmology, around 14 zillion People in america suffer from farsightedness. This is defined as the shortcoming of the face to concentrate correctly in in close proximity to things. Attention workout routines have shown to have a very helpful effect on your eye area reducing problems like far sightedness. Listed below are Some straightforward, quick and easy attention workout routines in which increase far-sightedness.

A single. Palming ? You can conduct this method successfully be preserving your sight available. Make use of your hands to pay for these. Avoid touching the tennis balls. However, it is important to ensure that your hands are firmly included to help you see night. Maintain eye covered for a couple moments. Suppose that you?re exterior glazing to the the dark from the evening, to the length. Glazing in the range is helpful mainly because it secretes stress and tension in the sight.

Two. Exercise flutter blinking ? This is defined as flashing the eyes rapidly in diverse time periods.Inhale and exhale although undertaking it. Inhaling and exhaling is important since 30% in the air flow we inhale bottles the aesthetic system. Blinking enhances the organic moisture inside the sight therefore lubricating them. This is a normal fix for dried up face. You can also carry out this method in a sluggish pace by shutting the eyes pertaining to 3 mere seconds along with having them wide open for the next 3 a few moments.

Three. Graphic Flexibility Exercise ? Based on Vision Exercises permanently Vision, the goal of this specific workout is to boost the actual focusing ability from the eye. This particular increases its ability to shift from in close proximity to far-away things. To be able to properly perform it, decide on a physical object that?s 30 toes absent. Become sitting in this particular place that you can evidently start to see the remote item you might have decided on. Carry a pen or perhaps pen 6 ins from a nose and concentrate about the compose. Next, change your current focus on the thing inside the length. This method encourages vision health through enhancing the capacity of the sight in order to redouble to a new degree and distance. As you shift your current target, breathe in and out deeply. Maintain transferring the target back and forth from the particular compose on the faraway item, moving the eyes merely not your brain Several instances.

4. Stretching out ? This is an important eye fortifying technique. It calls for transferring your vision only not necessarily your mind, as far as you can to the right then to the left. Then transfer up your eyes all the way up upwards after which all the way hand eye coordination exercises lower. Repeat 3 times. It can be necessary to total this technique with attention comes to help remedy any other stress inside eyes.
To execute vision sheets basically rotate up your eyes inside a clockwise route.


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Monday, August 27, 2012



A vampire roleplay - full plot in description


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So wait, same crap...just remade to get more attention? Kinda a waste of board space to do this.

Why not do a Roleplayers wanted post, or an Interest check?

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Noxize wrote:So wait, same crap...just remade to get more attention? Kinda a waste of board space to do this.

Why not do a Roleplayers wanted post, or an Interest check?

I've already made a Roleplayers wanted post, which nobody looked at. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to remake a roleplay, so go bitch on all of the rest.

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Rawr! Touchy?

Lose the 'tude kid, I was trying to help.

Maybe you got no hits because this Rp caters to a select audience? Not everyone is a big fan of premade bios and the like. If you want more players loosen up the format some would be my first idea.

Up to you, Im just trying to give a little constructive critism.

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Neandertal's right-handedness verified, hints at language capacity

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? There are precious few Neandertal skeletons available to science. One of the more complete was discovered in 1957 in France, roughly 900 yards away from the famous Lascaux Cave. That skeleton was dubbed "Regourdou." Then, about two decades ago, researchers examined Regourdou's arm bones and theorized that he had been right-handed.

"This skeleton had a mandible and parts of the skeleton below the neck," said David Frayer, professor of anthropology at the University of Kansas. "Twenty-plus years ago, some people studied the skeleton and argued that it was a right-handed individual based on the muscularity of the right arm versus the left arm."

Handedness, a uniquely human trait, signals brain lateralization, where each of the brain's two hemispheres is specialized. The left brain controls the right side of the body and in a human plays a primary role for language. So, if Neandertals were primarily right-handed, like modern humans, that fact could suggest a capacity for language.

Now, a new investigation by Frayer and an international team led by Virginie Volpato of the Senckenberg Institute in Frankfurt, Germany, has confirmed Regourdou's right-handedness by looking more closely at the robustness of the arms and shoulders, and comparing it with scratches on his teeth. Their findings are published August 23 in the journal PLoS ONE.

"We've been studying scratch marks on Neandertal teeth, but in all cases they were isolated teeth, or teeth in mandibles not directly associated with skeletal material," said Frayer. "This is the first time we can check the pattern that's seen in the teeth with the pattern that's seen in the arms. We did more sophisticated analysis of the arms -- the collarbone, the humerus, the radius and the ulna -- because we have them on both sides. And we looked at cortical thickness and other biomechanical measurements. All of them confirmed that everything was more robust on the right side then the left."

Frayer said Neandertals used their mouths like a "third hand" and that produced more wear and tear on the front teeth than their back ones. "It's long been known the Neandertals had been heavily processing things with their incisors and canines," he said.

Frayer's research on Regourdou's teeth confirmed the individual's right-handedness.

"We looked at the cut marks on the lower incisors and canines," said the KU researcher. "The marks that are on the lip side of the incisor teeth are oblique, or angled in such away that it indicates they were gripping with the left hand and cutting with the right, and every now and then they'd hit the teeth and leave these scratch marks that were there for the life of the individual."

Frayer said that the research on Regourdou shows that 89 percent of European Neandertal fossils (16 of 18) showed clear preference for their right hands. This is very similar to the prevalence of right-handers in modern human populations -- about 90 percent of people alive today favor their right hands.

Frayer and his co-authors conclude that such ratios suggest a Neandertal capacity for language.

"The long-known connection between brain asymmetry, handedness and language in living populations serves as a proxy for estimating brain lateralization in the fossil record and the likelihood of language capacity in fossils," they write.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Kansas.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Virginie Volpato, Roberto Macchiarelli, Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg, Ivana Fiore, Luca Bondioli, David W. Frayer. Hand to Mouth in a Neandertal: Right-Handedness in Regourdou 1. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (8): e43949 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043949

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Video: The Romney Bunch (Americablog)

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Stoke Oks deal with US midfielder Maurice Edu

Associated Press Sports

updated 12:10 p.m. ET Aug. 25, 2012

STOKE, England (AP) - Stoke says it has settled terms with U.S. midfielder Maurice Edu after agreeing to an undisclosed transfer fee with Rangers.

Stoke made the announcement Saturday on its website. The 26-year-old Edu will complete his move after passing a medical and receiving international clearance.

If the deal goes through, Edu will join U.S. defender Geoff Cameron, who recently arrived from Houston Dynamo in the MLS.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Drought, Food Security Fears Boost Small-Scale Irrigation Use In ...

By Kaiser GH Update

?Farmers in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly taking up small-scale irrigation schemes as drought threatens the security of food supplies, a report by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) said,? Reuters reports. ?Small-scale irrigation technology, such as motorized pumps and hosing to access groundwater, could cost a sub-Saharan African smallholder $250 or more but could improve crop yields by between 75 and 275 percent, the report said,? Reuters adds. ?If there is more investment in small-scale irrigation, it means food supply in those countries is more secure. It won?t replace the need for staple cereal crops, but it gives farmers more insurance against a food crisis,? said Colin Chartres, IWMI director general, according to the news service.

See the original post here:
Drought, Food Security Fears Boost Small-Scale Irrigation Use In South?

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  1. Drought In The Horn Of Africa Threatening Food Security
  2. VOA Examines Impacts Of U.S. Drought On Global Food Security
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  4. WFP, FAO Warn Food Security Worsening For Millions In South Sudan, Call For?
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Gluten Free Summer Minestrone Pasta Salad Recipe

Post image for Gluten Free Summer Minestrone Pasta Salad Recipe I know that minestrone is a soup. It is a lovely soup. And I love soup. But I also love salad so I thought ?minestrone salad ? why not?? Why not indeed!

This gluten free soup turned salad recipe takes advantage of the abundance of summer vegetables available right now. Zucchini, corn, tomatoes, basil ? does it get any more summery than that?

Since this pasta salad is mayonnaise-free, it is good for taking to cook outs and picnics without the fear of poisoning your diners. It can be served right after making (great for a quick mid-week meal) or you can make it ahead and serve it chilled.

This recipe makes a ton of salad ? if you don?t have a crowd to feed, feel free to cut the recipe in half but you should know that it tastes even better the day after or the day after that. It is great as a side to roasted chicken, burgers or what not and also makes for a lovely vegan main dish.

I used Brown Rice Vegetable Rotini pasta from Pastariso because I love the way the veggies nestle into the curlicues of the pasta.

So who says minestrone can only be soup? Not me!

Gluten Free Minestrone Pasta Salad


1 pound Brown Rice Vegetable Rotini pasta
2 tablespoons plus ? cup olive oil
1 yellow or white onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced or grated
2 medium zucchini, diced
2 ears of corn, kernels cut off
4 medium tomatoes, seeded and diced
2 cans white or garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
1 cup basil leaves


Cook the pasta in heavily salted water according to the package direction. Rinse first with hot water then with cold.

Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, add the onion and cook until it starts to soften, about 3 minutes. Add the garlic, cook for 30 seconds then add the zucchini and corn kernels. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the vegetables are crisp tender.

Put the pasta in a large mixing bowl; add the cooked vegetables, tomatoes, rinsed beans, salt, pepper, vinegar and remaining ? cup of olive oil. Toss well. Tear the basil leaves and add to the salad and toss again. Serve immediately or chilled.


A gluten free recipe that serves 8 ? 10 people

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Simply...Gluten-Free DessertsSimply?Gluten-Free Desserts is now available, with over 135 recipes not featured in my blog.

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Need a quick meal?

Gluten Free Recipes - Simply Gluten Free Quick MealsSimply?Gluten-Free Quick Meals is now available, with over 100 recipes not featured in my blog.

Available at bookstores including Barnes & Noble, Borders, Powells, Books-a-Million and Amazon. You can get it also HERE.

?The ?Simply? in ?Simply ? Gluten-Free Quick Meals? doesn?t just make for a catchy title. The recipes in this cookbook truly are quick and easy to prepare. ? A. C.

?I set the timer on two separate nights and made two complete meals from Carol?s latest cookbook in 30-40 minutes. They not only pleased my family, but gave me new recipes and techniques to get dinner on the table faster every night.? ? W. K.

?I love the way this book is laid out ? full meals I can make in no time. Love the sense of fun and humor in this book but mostly I love all the gluten free recipes -.? ? J. F.

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