Saturday, July 28, 2012

Will You Owe a Tax Penalty Under the Affordable Care Act? | You ...

by Shawanda Greene on July 27, 2012

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I am SO tired of hearing that President Obama is secretly Beelzebub?s half-Asian, younger brother and that Mitt Romney?s sideburns aren?t real.

It?s sickening! Enough with the pointless distractions.

Real issues haunt the United States:

  • The stubbornly high unemployment rate
  • The staggering national debt
  • The ridiculously expensive health care system

Since our elected leaders have done little to address the first two items, we?ll focus on the last one?health care.

Americans on the far right, the far left, and Ron Paul all have strong opinions?(I?m sure you do too)?about what increased government involvement in health care means for the nation.

But can we cast our beliefs aside and focus on the facts?

You see, the facts are absolute. We can?t argue about verifiable truths. (Geez, I hope I?m right.)

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care Act is?like it or not?constitutional. Thus, the most contentious element of the law, the individual mandate, lives on.

Here on You Have More Than You Think, we like to talk about money. So I want to show you how the Affordable Care Act will affect your wallet?by referring you to an organization that?s done all of the hard work for me.

Walk through the easy-to-follow infographic provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Then, you?ll be in a better position to answer the question, ?What happens if I?fail to buy health insurance?? ?How much of a tax?no a penalty?no a tax-penalty will I owe??

Woooow. Lookie. A decision tree.

This is gonna be fun.

Click image to enlarge.

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Article by Shawanda Greene

Shawanda Greene is a free thinking, frugal gal whose only vices are boxed wine, lip balm and money grubbing. Learn more about Shawanda on her About page. You can also connect with Shawanda on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.


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