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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Insight: Under siege, Japan central bank wakes up to political reality

TOKYO (Reuters) - Within a day of Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party sweeping to power in elections this month, elite bureaucrats in Japan's central bank rushed to ready what amounted to a surrender offer.

Abe had run his campaign with a relentless focus on economic policy and had called on the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to take drastic steps to end the nation's long bout of deflation, or else face a radical makeover at the hands of parliament.

The vote had become an unexpected referendum on the BOJ itself, and the bank had lost.

Senior officials concluded that to preserve the BOJ's scope to act in a future crisis, it needed to move quickly to show it recognized reality, according to people familiar with the hurried deliberations. Abe had won a mandate for more forceful monetary easing, and Japanese taxpayers were frustrated with an economy slipping back into its third recession in five years.

In the early afternoon of December 18, two days after the vote, BOJ Governor Masaaki Shirakawa was to pay a courtesy call on Abe. But even before then, a post-election plan had taken shape: the BOJ would consider the kind of ambitious 2 percent inflation target that Abe had insisted was needed to pull Japan out of nearly two decades of deflation and diminished expectations.

It was an about-face for Shirakawa who, since taking his post in 2008, had argued that by focusing too narrowly on consumer prices, the BOJ could miss signs of an asset price bubble like the one Japan experienced in the late 1980s.

But increasingly his own senior officials and members of the BOJ's policy-setting board were ready to take risks and test unorthodox and unproven measures that Shirakawa had long resisted, such as an unlimited debt-fuelled monetary expansion, officials familiar with their thinking say.

"The LDP's win was just too big, and it won an election calling for a 2 percent inflation target. If that's the will of the people, the BOJ must respect that," said a source familiar with the central bank's thinking. "Otherwise, the BOJ could lose everything, including its independence."

The central bank is now on track to pump 120 trillion yen ($1.4 trillion) into the economy - equivalent to the value of six Googles - even though skeptics argue that this tide of money cannot break Japan's real economic logjam: falling wages.

Instead, the skeptics say, the risk is that investors would end up concluding that Japan needed the central bank to cover its debts - a recipe for a selloff of government bonds, which already amount to twice the size of gross domestic product.

But after Abe's landslide election victory - and years of limited money-printing having failed to revive growth - senior BOJ officials wanted it understood they were ready to join the experiment in what media and investors called "Abenomics", a potentially high-octane mix of fiscal and monetary stimulus.

Abe's victory seemed to establish that millions of Japanese shared his views, people in the bank came to believe.

They felt he now held the trump card in any future standoff with the BOJ over monetary policy - a mandate to amend the BOJ Law in a way that would give the government power to impose a binding target on the central bank, or fire its governor.


In a symbol of the political significance of his monetary policy push, Abe scheduled a one-on-one meeting with Shirakawa just hours after setting up a first phone call as prime-minister-elect with the U.S. President Barack Obama.

Two days after the election, the central bank governor visited Abe at the fortress-like headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Abe reminded Shirakawa of his campaign promises. He wanted to see the BOJ sign a "policy accord" that would oblige it to support Abe's reflationary agenda and commit to a 2 percent inflation target, Abe told reporters later.

After the meeting, Shirakawa rushed through a scrum of reporters into his waiting car and declined to say what was discussed. However Abe, in another break with protocol, gave an unusually detailed recounting of the 15-minute meeting.

"The governor just listened," he said.

The next day, the BOJ began a scheduled two-day policy board meeting. The central bank announced its third shot of monetary stimulus in four months by adding another 10 trillion yen to its asset-buying program - essentially committing to create more money to buy government debt.

It marked the fifth time this year that the central bank had expanded asset purchases - its most active year in terms of monetary expansion in a decade.

More significantly, the BOJ also made a direct concession to Abe and pledged to review its existing inflation target of 1 percent at its next scheduled meeting in January.

The BOJ was retreating from the cautious stance of its classically trained boss, Shirakawa, and essentially turning a blind eye to the potential, long-term drawbacks of excessive money printing that he had long warned about.

Only a month earlier, many BOJ officials had preferred to hold off on taking action until the January meeting, according to sources familiar with the deliberations.

Shirakawa, in particular, had been in no mood to act again in 2012, let alone commit to studying a higher inflation target. He had been convinced that the BOJ's monetary easing steps in September and October were enough to stave off risks to the economy for now, the sources said.


Shirakawa's five-year term ends in April and people close to him say he has no interest in staying on. But decisions taken under his watch over the next few months could influence the central bank's credibility well beyond his departure.

A fan of the Beatles, Shirakawa, 63, has often warned against the risk of an overly loose monetary policy.

He once described Japan's struggle to recover from its late 1980s asset bubble as "The Long And Winding Road", a reference to the plaintive Beatles song. He said rich economies risked repeating Japan's "lost decade" of slow growth if they kept ultra-easy monetary policy in place for too long.

But for the past year, a tight-knit group of officials in the BOJ's Monetary Affairs Department has been nudging the bank in the opposite direction. They favor more aggressive easing, such as a big increase in government bond buying, according to officials with knowledge of those discussions and former central bank officials who remain in close contact with policymakers.

Among the actions now under consideration at the BOJ is an open-ended commitment to buy government bonds or an expansion in the type of assets it purchases, the officials said.

Another idea, floated by board member Koji Ishida, is to nudge rates to zero by scrapping a 0.1 percent interest rate the BOJ pays on excess reserves parked with the central bank.

Proponents argue that such steps would hold down interest rates on bank and corporate borrowing, encourage money to flow to private investors and help weaken the yen.

Anticipation of BOJ action has already pushed the yen to a two-year low against the dollar. Tokyo stock prices have climbed to a 21-month high on the expectation for higher earnings for currency-sensitive exporters like automaker Toyota Motor Corp.

"Markets already expect the BOJ to set a 2 percent inflation target, so the question now is what the central bank would do to achieve it," said Masaaki Kanno, a former central banker and now chief economist at JPMorgan Securities in Tokyo.

"If it wants to influence currency rates, it needs to give markets the impression it is easing aggressively."

Abe has said he will choose a successor to Shirakawa whose views are closer to his own. He has not made up his mind yet on his favored candidate but aides say he may prefer someone with negotiation and management skills, rather than an academic, to oversee the BOJ as it pushes into unknown territory.


With the LDP's coalition partner, the New Komeito, Abe has enough votes in the lower house to overrule the upper house on key votes, including a potential revision of the 1998 BOJ Law that gave the 130-year-old bank its long-awaited independence.

Under this law, the central bank is guaranteed independence to guide monetary policy without political interference and is mandated to pursue price stability. Abe has discussed a law revision to impose a price target on the central bank and add a requirement to maximize job growth to its mandate.

Abe is already using threats of a BOJ Law revision to nudge the central bank into meeting his demands.

Koichi Hamada, a Yale University professor whom Abe admires, said the BOJ would have to accept more legal accountability to achieve its price target and beat deflation.

"Generally speaking, the BOJ is making an effort. But there is hardly any change to its pace of 'too little, too late'," said Hamada, 76, who was appointed a special adviser to Abe's cabinet and also taught Shirakawa at the University of Tokyo.

"It is necessary to amend the BOJ law," he said in a telephone interview on Thursday.


One challenge now for the BOJ is setting a higher inflation target that is seen as credible. In February, the BOJ said that it would aim to achieve 1 percent price growth.

But Shirakawa, who joined the BOJ during Japan's high inflation years of the early 1970s, and many other officials in the bank have resisted calls for a higher target. For one, Japan has not seen 2 percent inflation in the past two decades. The last time it did was during the real estate and stock market bubble of the late 1980s to early 1990s, when the BOJ was criticized for missing signs of an overheating economy.

Some officials share Shirakawa's doubts over whether further monetary easing will work. Two key metrics - the BOJ's holdings of government debt and the balance of deposits parked with the central bank - are already at record highs, yet the BOJ's pump-priming measures have failed to put an end to deflation.

Nationwide core consumer prices slid 0.1 percent in November from a year earlier after flat growth in October, which followed five straight month of declines.

Another concern for the cautionary wing of the BOJ centers on the unusual structure of Japan's economy. Japan's jobless rate - at 4 percent - is half that of the United States. But wages remain on the decline, down 1.1 percent in November from a year earlier to mark the third straight month of falls.

Unable to fire workers in mass layoffs because of rigid labour rules, Japanese firms are unwilling to raise salaries. Without a rise in wages, the only practical way overall prices could go up would be through higher commodity and fuel costs which would curb consumption, not boost it, the BOJ has argued.

Setting a 2 percent inflation target next month would require the BOJ to awkwardly steer around the arguments that Shirakawa and other officials have long made.

"If the BOJ contradicts too much of what it's been saying all along, that would put its credibility on the line. People will no longer believe what the BOJ says anymore," said Izuru Kato, chief economist at Totan Research Institute in Tokyo.

The BOJ also worries about a potential bond-market backlash. Its ultra-easy policy has pushed down five-year bond yields below 0.2 percent. But some investors balk at buying too many 20-year and 30-year bonds, concerned that Abe's pledge of big fiscal spending would strain Japan's already worsening finances.

Much will depend on Shirakawa's successor and how well the central bank communicates its policy target to investors - an area where Shirakawa has struggled by his own admission.

After the December 20 easing, his aides convinced him to try the kind of visual aid often used on Japanese television - a large flip chart - and to aim his presentation at the TV cameras. An economist suspicious of sound bites, he looked uncomfortable.

"The BOJ is pumping huge amounts of money and easing very aggressively. But that fact isn't understood well perhaps because of our restrained character. There's a huge perception gap," Shirakawa said.

"I hope this chart is broadcast on television and helps more people understand our point," he added.

($1 = 85.9250 Japanese yen)

(Additional reporting by Sumio Ito and Yoshifumi Takemoto; Editing by Kevin Krolicki and Mark Bendeich)


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bedard: Cowboys-Redskins ? fitting finale to 2012

Romo and Dallas battle RG3 and Washington for the NFC East title Sunday night (NBC)

By Greg Bedard contributor

updated 1:27 a.m. ET Dec. 29, 2012

After 255 games, the NFL regular season will come down to one of the league?s most historically intense rivalries ? Cowboys at Redskins ? on Sunday Night Football.

The NFC East title is on the line, and with it, an automatic berth into the postseason. The Cowboys have to win to claim their first postseason berth since 2009. The Redskins could lose and still return to the playoffs for the first time since 2007, but only if the Bears and Vikings drop their earlier games.

Both teams enter the game hot. The Redskins have won six straight, while the Cowboys have won four of six.

Not a bad setting for the 106th edition of this rivalry.

"When you think about the Cowboys and Redskins, it's always been a rivalry," Cowboys linebacker DeMarcus Ware said. "Now there's a little bit more at stake. This is like a statement game, one of those games where you can prove to a lot of people no matter what goes on with your team, guys being (injured), you can get a win. You can still play well because it's a team game. It's not just one player out there playing."

There is probably more pressure on the Cowboys (8-7) than the Redskins (9-6). This is the third time in five years Dallas has faced a win-and-in scenario on the road in its final game. Each previous time, not only have the Cowboys lost, they?ve completely flamed out: 44-6 vs. Philadelphia in 2008 and 31-14 vs. the New York Giants (31-14) last year.

Naturally, most fans are expecting the same old Cowboys to show up at FedEx Field, something the players are keenly aware of.

?It can?t be the same ol? story,? tight end Jason Witten said. ?It?s hard to get in this situation and play for a division title. It?s a great opportunity for us. Hopefully those past experiences have helped develop us so we can be better in this situation. But it is, it?s a different experience. Obviously, different opponent and it?s going to be a tough challenge.?

For the Redskins, this is uncharted territory for many of their players, including standout rookie quarterback Robert Griffith III.

"For guys like myself (and) the other rookies, we're fresh into this rivalry," Griffin said. "But we can definitely sense how the fans feel, how some of the guys who have been here for many years feel about the Cowboys, and that's the mindset we have to take on. We're doing it for them. We're doing it for the fans."

One more go ?round for the NFL and the NFC East. Time to see who wants to keep playing. This is more than a statement game, this is a defining game for those that enter.

A look at the three keys for each team heading in Sunday night?s game:

Stop Alfred Morris:
Everyone knows how dangerous of a weapon Griffin can be because you have to fear the run and the pass with him. The Cowboys need to do everything they can to make the Redskins more predictable and one-dimensional, and that means you need to them in bad down and distance situations, particularly on third down.

You do that by stopping rookie running back Alfred Morris, who has 1,413 yards. In the first matchup against the Cowboys, Morris had 113 yards and a touchdown on 24 carries. He?s had at least 20 carries in the Redskins? last seven games.

Limiting Morris is going to be a tough chore for the Cowboys because they?re so beat up. Nose tackle Jay Ratliff is out, and outside linebacker DeMarcus Ware (elbow/shoulder) will have limited reps. Ware will gut it through, but it might not be enough with down to backups Dan Connor, Ernie Sims and Alex Albright at inside linebacker. Sims is questionable after dealing with a concussion.

If Morris is able to run wild and set up Griffin, the rest might not matter.

Grind it out through the air: Because the Redskins are so dynamic offensively and the Cowboys are so beat up, the Cowboys would greatly benefit by winning the time of possession battle. You usually do that on the ground, but the Cowboys are so anemic running the ball ? DeMarco Murray has averaged 3.7 yards per carry since returning from a foot injury.

And he?ll be facing the fifth-ranked Redskins rush defense (95.5 yards per game), that it will be up to quarterback Tony Romo to control the game by throwing it. Romo has been hot in December ? 66.4 completion percentage, 1,328 yards with 10 touchdowns and one interception ? so they need to ride him again.

Keep throwing: The combination of Romo to receiver Dez Bryant has been on fire with 10 touchdowns in the past seven games, including last Sunday?s nine-catch, 224-yard and two-touchdown performance against the Saints. Bryant had eight catches for 145 yards and two touchdowns in the Thanksgiving game against the Redskins.

Washington doesn?t really have anybody to cover Bryant. DeAngelo Hall couldn?t contain him last year, so they tried Josh Wilson this year to no avail. The Redskins could also try rookie Richard Crawford, or the unheralded D.J. Johnson, who had a rough game against the Eagles last week. Even the safety play has been spotty.

In short, Romo and the Cowboys should be able to throw against the Redskins and make some plays, provided the improved offensive line gives him the opportunity.

Make Romo eat elsewhere: The Cowboys will want to pass, and Romo will try to feed Bryant and tight end Jason Witten. Don?t let them. Double-team Bryant with a safety over the top, and pound/re-route Witten as soon as he breaks off the line.

Make Romo try to beat you throwing to unreliable Miles Austin, Kevin Ogletree and Dwayne Harris, and with checkdowns to backs DeMarco Murray and Felix Jones.

The odds are strong that Romo and the Cowboys won?t be able to outpoint the Redskins that way.

Block Anthony Spencer: Cowboys right outside linebacker DeMarcus Ware gets all the accolades, which he should as a perennial All-Pro with 11.5 sacks this season. But left outside linebacker Anthony Spencer has been very good of late as he finished his contract before becoming a free agent.

Ware will wear a brace on his injured right shoulder and have his reps limited, so it will be up to Spencer to pick up the pace. He?s a big key against the Redskins? read-option run game, and has done a great job in that area this season. Spencer is also an emerging pass rusher.

The Redskins are a bit weak at right tackle with starter Tyler Polumbus (concussion) cleared but questionable. Backup Maurice Hurt had some issues last week against the Eagles that he can?t afford against a talent like Spencer.

Don?t stop attacking: The Redskins led the Cowboys 28-3 on Thanksgiving and nearly blew the game. Dallas has made a living out of falling behind early and then rallying for either victory or a close defeat.

The Redskins must continue to put distance between themselves and the Cowboys, because once Romo gets in a groove, he?s hard to stop.

? 2012 NBC Reprints


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Prime-time win for?Redskins

PFT Picks: For the second straight year, the NFC East title game returns to prime time in Week 17. For the second straight year, the Cowboys come up short.


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Early cognitive problems documented among those who eventually get Alzheimer's

Dec. 28, 2012 ? People who study or treat Alzheimer's disease and its earliest clinical stage, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), have focused attention on the obvious short-term memory problems. But a new study suggests that people on the road to Alzheimer's may actually have problems early on in processing semantic or knowledge-based information, which could have much broader implications for how patients function in their lives.

Terry Goldberg, PhD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine and director of neurocognition at the Litwin Zucker Center for Research in Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Manhasset, NY, said that clinicians have observed other types of cognitive problems in MCI patients but no one had ever studied it in a systematic way. Many experts had noted individuals who seemed perplexed by even the simplest task. In this latest study, published in this month's issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, investigators used a clever series of tests to measure a person's ability to process semantic information.

Do people with MCI have trouble accessing different types of knowledge? Are there obvious semantic impairments that have not been picked up before? The answer was "yes."

In setting out to test the semantic processing system, Dr. Goldberg and his colleagues needed a task that did not involve a verbal response. That would only confuse things and make it harder to interpret the results. They decided to use size to test a person's ability to use semantic information to make judgments between two competing sets of facts. "If you ask someone what is bigger, a key or an ant, they would be slower in their response than if you asked them what is bigger, a key or a house," explained Dr. Goldberg. The greater the difference in size between two objects, the faster a person -- normal or otherwise -- can recognize the difference and react to the question.

Investigators brought in 25 patients with MCI, 27 patients with Alzheimer's and 70 cognitively fit people for testing. They found large differences between the healthy controls and the MCI and Alzheimer's patients. "This finding suggested that semantic processing was corrupted," said Dr. Goldberg. "MCI and AD (Alzheimer's disease) patients are really affected when they are asked to respond to a task with small size differences."

They then tweaked the task by showing pictures of a small ant and a big house or a big ant and a small house. This time, the MCI and AD patients did not have a problem with the first part of the test -- they were able to choose the house over the ant when asked what was bigger. But if the images were incongruent -- the big ant seemed just as big as the small house -- they were confused, they answered incorrectly or took longer to arrive at a response.

Patients with MCI were functioning somewhere between the healthy people and those with AD. "When the decision was harder, their reaction time was slower," he said.

Would this damaged semantic system have an effect on everyday functions? To answer this question, investigators turned to the UCSD Skills Performance Assessment scale, a tool that they have been using in MCI and AD patients that is generally used to identify functional deficits in patients with schizophrenia. The test taps a person's ability to write a complex check or organize a trip to the zoo on a cold day.

This is actually a good test for figure out whether someone has problems with semantic knowledge. Semantic processing has its seat in the left temporal lobe. "The semantic system is organized in networks that reflect different types of relatedness or association," the investigators wrote in their study. "Semantic items and knowledge have been acquired remotely, often over many repetitions, and do not reflect recent learning."

Dr. Goldberg said the finding is critically important because it may be possible to strengthen these semantic processing connections through training. "It tells us that something is slowing down the patient and it is not episodic memory but semantic memory," he said. They will continue to study these patients over time to see if these semantic problems get worse as the disease advances.

In an accompanying editorial, David P. Salmon, PhD, of the Department of Neurosciences at the University of California in San Diego, said that the "semantic memory deficit demonstrated by this study adds confidence to the growing perception that subtle decline in this cognitive domain occurs in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Because the task places minimal demands on the effortful retrieval process, overt word retrieval, or language production, it also suggests that this deficit reflects an early and gradual loss of integrity of semantic knowledge."

He added that a "second important aspect of this study is the demonstration that semantic memory decrements in patients with mild cognitive impairment may contribute to a decline in the ability to perform usual activities of daily living."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Brady C. Kirchberg et al. Semantic Distance Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Their Nature and Relationship to Function. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2012; 169 (12): 1275 DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2012.12030383

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The editors review 2012: Finance: The year of the fine | The Economist

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Egypt constitution passes with 63.8 percent

(AP) ? The head of Egypt's election commission says the new constitution has passed with a 63.8 percent "yes" vote in a referendum.

According to official results announced Tuesday, 32.9 percent of voters participated.

The announcement turns the Islamist-drafted charter into the country's first constitution after the uprising that forced Hosni Mubarak out of office after nearly 30 years of authoritarian rule.

The opposition had campaigned against the constitution, charging that it will usher in Islamic rule in Egypt and restrict freedoms. It has vowed to challenge the results.

Judge Samir Abou el-Maati, the head of the electoral commission, denied allegations that judicial supervision was lacking in the vote.

The official results closely mirror unofficial results announced by the Muslim Brotherhood, the main group that backed the charter.

Associated Press


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

New edition of Ideas@Beedie magazine focuses on international ...

Dec 21, 2012

The latest issue of Ideas@Beedie, the new digital magazine from the Beedie School of Business, is now available online, showcasing the school?s academic research, industry impact and engagement with the community.

The new edition of Ideas@Beedie focuses on the subject of international business and highlights the breadth and depth of research carried out by the Beedie School of Business faculty on the topic.

The research explored in the new issue includes the role of government in small-to-medium enterprises in China; the challenges global marketing faces in the age of social media; a new bargaining model the Chinese government is utilizing to gain an upper hand in the natural resources sector in Africa; the challenges faced by expat workers; and the risks of tourism entrepreneurship in Brazil.

The Beedie School of Business is home to a number of research centres directly involved with the business community which investigate new knowledge and information related to today?s business practices, and this issue explores the research carried out by one of these research centres, the Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies.

The magazine also profiles distinguished SFU alumnus professor Will Mitchell, and takes a close look at the recently launched Americas MBA for Executives, a pioneering program which brings together students from the Beedie School of Business and leading graduate business schools in Brazil, Mexico and the US to build the next generation of leaders for business in the Americas.

The winter issue of Ideas@Beedie caps another extraordinary year for the Beedie School of Business.?This year the school was named tops in Western Canada for research productivity in a new ranking of globally accredited business schools; launched the pioneering Executive MBA in Aboriginal Business and Leadership; and announced the establishment of the Canadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development, a new coalition to help developing countries benefit from their natural resources in environmentally and socially responsible ways, to be run by the Beedie School of Business in collaboration with the University of British Columbia.

In addition, this past spring, the school received endorsement from two prestigious accreditation bodies: the European Foundation for Management Development (EQUIS) and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

To read the magazine, visit or download the iPad app at the Apple iTunes store.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Israel presses on with plans for 6,000 new settler homes (Ma'an News Agency)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) -- Israeli officials said they would press on with plans this week to build 6,000 homes for settlers on Palestinian land, defying criticism from Western powers who fear the move will hit already faint hopes for a peace accord.

Stung by the de facto recognition of Palestinian sovereignty in a UN General Assembly vote last month, Israel announced it would expand settlements in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem.

An Israeli interior ministry planning committee on Monday gave preliminary approval for 1,500 new homes in the Ramat Shlomo settlement.

The panel will now start discussing plans for another 4,500 homes in two other settlements, Givat Hamatos and Gilo, in back-to-back sessions that could run into next week, ministry spokesman Efrat Orbach said Tuesday.

Israel counts the three settlements as part of its Jerusalem municipality even though they are on West Bank land seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

Palestinians see the settlements as obstacles to achieving a viable state with a capital in East Jerusalem.

"Settlement activity is unilateral and is completely adverse to the continued viability of a two-state solution and the possibility for our people to continue to exist. It's an attack on our people's right to life, essentially," Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Monday.

The United States and European Union condemned the plans.

"We are deeply disappointed that Israel insists on continuing this pattern of provocative action. These repeated announcements and plans of new construction run counter to the cause of peace," US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.

"Israel's leaders continually say that they support a path towards a two-state solution yet these actions only put that goal further at risk.

"So we again call on Israel, and the Palestinians, to cease any kinds of counterproductive, unilateral actions and take concrete steps to return to direct negotiations," Nuland said.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague called the Israeli decision "a serious provocation and an obstacle to peace."

"If implemented, it would make a negotiated two-state solution, with Jerusalem as a shared capital, very difficult to achieve," he said.

"We urge Israel to reverse this decision and take no further steps aimed at expanding or entrenching settlement activity."

Netanyahu deputy defends

The settlements are illegal under international law and Western powers have been especially troubled by Israel's declared intent to build in E-1, a wedge of land between East Jerusalem and the West Bank where it had previously held off under US pressure.

Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said the expansion of the Jerusalem-area settlements was a resumption of plans put on hold while Western powers tried to persuade Abbas to abandon the Palestinians' UN status upgrade.

"We said, 'We won't build, so as not to give Abu Mazen (Abbas) an excuse to go to the UN and an excuse not to come to the table,'" Yaalon told Army Radio, "After he did what he did ... we removed these restrictions from ourselves."

He dismissed the international furor. "The world automatically condemns any construction over the Green Line, and then moves on," Yaalon said, referring to the West Bank boundary.

"We will continue to build in accordance with the state of Israel's strategic interests," he added.

Critics in Israel have suggested Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pandering to the right-wing electorate as he prepares to run for re-election in a Jan. 22 ballot.


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In their sixteen years of marriage, Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness have weathered good times and bad. On Tuesday's episode of Katie, Jackman opened up about a secret heartache that he and his wife shared: the miscarriages she suffered before they adopted their children.


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While many questions remain about what motivated the killer in the mass shooting in Connecticut, one thing is becoming increasingly clear -- the tragedy will re-ignite and further fuel a major debate over gun control legislation in Washington. Learn a more about gun control right here.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Europe: 72% Of Homes Are Now Broadband-Connected; Online, News Reading Is Users? Favorite Pastime

European CommissionIt’s official: Europe is fast approaching a point at which broadband is becoming ubiquitous among consumers, and with it is coming a surge of popularity for online news, social media, and e-commerce. Today the European Commission released details for how European countries have been adopting broadband, and what they are using it for. The top-line figures: in 2012 72% of households now have a broadband connection. And in a survey of what it is that people do online, the most popular activity is newsreading, at 60%. The stats were released just as Neelie Kroes, the VP of the European Commission, prepares to give a speech in which she lays out priorities for the next year in European digital policy. Topics she’s she’s expected to cover include a 10-point plan for broadband growth; plans for copyright actions; and a new initiative for designing and manufacturing hardware — described informally as an “Airbus for chips” — to rival countries in Asia and North America. (You can watch that speech yourself here.) The stats were compiled by Eurostat, the Luxembourg-based directorate of the European Commission that provides statistics to EU institutions and also a unified measurement framework across the different member states. Europe on average has come a very long way in broadband penetration. Whereas in 2006 only 30% of the population had broadband access, now that figure is at 72%. Some countries like Denmark and Finland are now at 85% and significantly no country is at less than 50% penetration. Social media is one of the most popular categories for online activity. Some 52% of European residents with broadband connections use them to post messages to social media sites. Even more popular is reading: more than 60% of consumers use their broadband to read online news. But, in a sign of how “lean-back” is the order of the day, only 9% of them are creating their own blog or other website content. The figures also speak to platform consolidation online — people are increasingly going to sites like Facebook and Twitter to express themselves, and less so trying to create their own spaces online for the same purpose. Kroes today is laying out a seven-point plan for Europe’s digital agenda in the next year, which we’ll detail below. But one striking takeaway from Eurostat’s figures is that although we are laying the groundwork for basic broadband connectivity, when it comes to services


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LOS ANGELES ( - The publisher of "Life & Style" and "In Touch," which is being sued by Tom Cruise for printing that the "Jack Reacher" star had abandoned his daughter Suri following his divorce from Katie Holmes, has fired back at the actor's suit. In an answer to Cruise's defamation lawsuit, filed in October, Bauer Publishing Co. says that its reporting is "substantially true." Bauer's answer, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in California, also asserts a number of defenses, including that it's protected by the First, Fifth and 14th amendments of the U.S. ...


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Family Homeless After Fire Destroys Pecatonica Home

PECATONICA (WIFR) -- A family of five is homeless after a fire rips through a Pecatonica house, destroying everything inside.

It happened at around 4 pm Sunday afternoon at a home in Westlake Village. Neighbors say the family moved in a couple of months ago and described the place as their dream house. Everyone made it out safe, including three people who were inside when the fire started. The homeowners say they were at a football game when the fire started on the back deck ad could see the smoke from more than a mile away. More than fifty fire fighters from 11 surrounding departments responded. .

"It?s horrible, it brings tears to me to just see this,? says neighbor Marie Korn. ?It was an awful, awful experience. I never wanted to see a house on fire. You see them from a distance sometimes but you never want to see it in your neighborhood and we're all just glad they're all ok.?

The smoke hadn't even cleared before neighbors started pitching in to help the family. The community center is already filling up with donations of basic necessities like clothes, toiletries, and shoe, even dog treats.

?I was talking to the little boy and he had his dog Sammy, and as we were playing with the dog, I looked down at his feet and this little boy didn't even have his shoes because he ran out of the house without a pair of shoes or a jacket and I thought, ?I need to get this little boy some shoes,?" says Angie Sakolari, one of the neighbors spearheading the effort to help out the family; they already have a place to stay for the next few nights.

Investigators say the preliminary cause of the fire is careless use of smoking materials. .


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Video: No longer forte: Piano?s grand tradition winds down

>>> before the hi-fis, the speakers, the grand piano was the centerpiece in a lot of living rooms. the grand piano has slowly fallen out of style for some, becoming a piece of nostalgia while striking a sour note for those who love it.

>> reporter: the full, rich, unmistakable beauty made by two capable hands on the grand piano , and these hands belong to 7-year-old mia curry of chicago. sdp

>> do you love your piano ?

>> yes.

>> love, love, love it?

>> yes.

>> it used to be the piano was the american centerpiece in any home. in willingham's " hannah and her sisters ," people gathered around while the piano was played. but any more, people just don't have space for a real piano . and sad as it sounds, many of these majestic instruments aren't able to be fixed and end up as castaways in landfills.

>> if you say expose them, it's very in dig anatomdignant, so you just say it's gog piano heaven.

>> reporter: statistics show in the last century, piano sales have fallen more than 80%. now piano movers are often piano dumpers.

>> it hurts a lot just to see them go. it's not a fun activity.

>> reporter: pianos can be expensive to tune and repair. still, tossing them hits a sour note with mia's teacher.

>> it's frustrating because there are ways you can take a piano and donate it.

>> reporter: in fact, one of the pianos mia plays at home was originally destined for the dump.

>> it's not just a keyboard. it's something she feels very connected to and she wants to play.

>> reporter: wow, what's that? but can't kids just learn to play on one of those electronic keyboards , anyway?

>> absolutely not. those students who start on the keyboard and don't transition to the piano within six months to nine months will end up quitting the piano after a year.

>> reporter: the child with 88 keys, heavenly music not often heard in piano heaven. kevin tibbles,


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Some Ideas To Your Self Improvement - CREATIVECUBES

September 25, 2012 Posted by admin

Many people are wondering what strategies they could actually use to develop as being an person. The thing about personal development is that you interested in learning the maximum amount of information and facts as possible and following that come up with your own personal strategy toward your development. The best strategy to type is the individual, based upon the maximum amount of information and facts you may gather. Consider this short article into mind to see whatever you can consider from it.

Among the tips for increasing self improvement is always to permit all your other worries out. Many people carry their inner thoughts where only contributes to frustration and despression symptoms. It really is alright to weep or enable your frustration out occasionally. Should you be particularly irritated, you can remove it on the punching travelling bag.

As the word ?self-assist? indicates that one could elevate on your own up from your bootstraps and much better your lifestyle, you cant ever do that alone. Search for peers and mentors who can present you with intelligence or guidance while in crucial times. By building a network of followers and looking for aid, you are making oneself far better-equipped to help yourself and live struggling conditions.

A vital to bettering yourself is understanding when you should have independence and once as a servant. You have to be free from all wicked nonetheless, you need to be a servant for those things that are good, including really like, integrity, righteousness, belief, goodness, and many others. Possessing total independence indicates you will consider dark deeds, but being an total servant means that you will be a slave to wicked. A balance is needed.

Try out practicing mindfulness everyday. Becoming mindful has been entirely found in as soon as you are in, from your actual reputation right as a result of your state of mind at any min. Becoming conscious will help you determine what you already have and what you are actually getting excited about fulfilling in your daily life. It is also an excellent way to keep a manage on the inner thoughts.

To sum up, there is not any much better approach to develop a greater life than to commence inside yourself. It?s whatever you really feel on the inside that numbers. Ideally you can expect to can come out with some new tips on how to progress your very own advancement and how to add absolutely to those surrounding you


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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Few Essential Points to Consider When Putting in or Changing ...

The typical factors when putting in or changing windows are the following: aesthetic value, effectiveness, comfort, and price. If homeowners recognize which window kind will satisfy well for their home, it will certainly benefit them. Before putting in or changing windows, right here are some vital factors to take into account.

Window Style

Choosing the window that matches the interior and exterior of the house is not exactly a simple job, given that there are so many commercially-available window variations these days. Among the most preferred versions are casement, awning, bay, picture, double-hung, hopper, and jalousie windows. Each of these have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the property owner and the contractor to determine which offers the most advantages with regards to expenses, looks, defense, privacy, and ventilation.

Energy Effectiveness

Argon and krypton gas-filled window panes, double and triple pane glass, and other insulated kinds are common selections for energy-efficient houses. In addition, it is a good idea to evaluate for the Energy Star label which would show that a certain household window can assist bring down energy bills by as much as 15 percent. On another note, strategically situated trees nearby window openings can also benefit shading and cooling the house interior.

Financial Considerations

Acquiring replacement windows and then hiring expert help for the installation can be quite expensive. But as opposed to focusing on the instant costs, professionals for Lincoln replacement windows tell property owners to look at the big picture. Acquiring and putting in energy-efficient windows will pay off over time, as it will enable households to save on cooling and heating costs.

Professional Installment

It is suggested to seek the assistance of an expert contractor to guarantee the window's proper installation. Fortunately, a few roofers Lincoln NE homeowners trust who work for established roofing professionals also supply replacement windows services. These professionals consider the energy, monetary, and physical advantages of the windows to provide their patrons their cash's value.

The roofing contractors Lincoln NE roofing businesses utilize know the value of taking lifestyle, climate, and geographical location into account for every project. For more info concerning what to consider when looking around for replacement windows, go to

For more details, search lincoln replacement windows, roofers lincoln and roofing contractors lincoln ne in Google for related information.

Keywords: lincoln replacement windows, roofers lincoln ne, roofing contractors lincoln ne

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Alien Skin Snap Art 3 Photoshop Plugin Review

Well, it has been a long time since I have written a review for Julie. I fear I may have forgotten how it is done! Shabria, at Alien Skin, asked Julie if she would be interested in reviewing Snap Art 3 — their latest version of the Photoshop plugin that converts photographs into drawings and [...]


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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Arm Workouts For Women At Home : : Critical Care 2011

Simply because very different body types business stored fat in different businesses, checking as well as the individual you might assist you to understand better some ways to drop some weight old school new body.

Women of all ages generally categorize themselves choice using one of some major body shapes females have. All the the endcrine system glands along with adrenal, the thyroid, this pituitary, and so the sex gland are simply in order to really have an effect on together with a degree the contours any kind of female?s individual considers.

Fundamental essentials glands your have an effect on an important areas where women business stored fat on their body systems, and so how come women evolve very different body shapes. A few core body shapes that ladies need, are highlighted below:

All the Organization Better shape.
Women of all ages from the ?Apple Shape? notice that they?ve already shaped calves and so bottom, nevertheless they generally business a lot of stored fat somewhere around ones own chest area, leading body, and so shoulder muscles. These particular women will generally a larger size breasts, expansive shoulder muscles, a diverse stomach, and definitely will need smaller stomach on ones own take on scale. They have a tendency to maintain stored fat around the locations of ones own chest area, body and so shoulder muscles, and when they attempt to lose the weight, those are the basic problem areas, the various components inside their individual they choose harder to appearance up.

All the Rectangular shape Better shape.
Women of all ages by having rectangle-shaped figures notice that stored fat gathers up around themselves. These particular women look big, rrnstead of puffy. A handful of need phoned this frame, this ?Ruler Shape?. Since they women manage to business stored fat even more evenly during their own bodies, cardio workout, and so heart ventures deliver the results the right regarding their fat loss programs. They will not want to put emphasis on virtually any explicit place when you exercise. Even so, training for strength will help you to tone and so appearance them all coupled with maximizing ones own amount of energy.

All the Pear Better shape.
Women of all ages from the ?Pear Shape? are simple to blemish. They?ve already wider stomach and so bottom by having leaner shoulder muscles and so chest area. They have a tendency to receive filter body by having little bit of stored fat increase on their pecs. Excess weight will build-up a large amount of eagerly somewhere around ones own feet, stomach, and so bottom. These women for you to get rid of excess the fatty acids your gets to be put away all over the chic and so thigh place. It is essential anytime weight loss, on account of women to pay attention to maneuvers which entail several reduced body movement.

All the Hourglass Better shape.
All the ?Hourglass Shape? is going to be person level of comfort are looking for. It is primarily the body shape that?s a large amount of curvaceous. It?s always observed as a giant shoulder muscles and so chest area, smaller stomach, big stomach, bottom and so feet nonetheless percent at their shoulder muscles. Women that possess hot hot frame will more quickly business stored fat somewhere around ones own feet, bottom, and so stomach together with their body, to return, and quite often ones own stomach. Cardio and so ventures are necessary for females because of this body shape, but very which is training for strength in order to really tone this your muscles and so increase the strength on their arms and legs.

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Teen opens mobile shower for grimy ND oil workers

ALEXANDER, N.D. (AP) ? It took little more than a day for 18-year-old Evan Jensen to smell opportunity in North Dakota's booming oil patch.

The recent high school graduate got a whiff of himself and his 21-year-old brother, Justin. The two had been sleeping in a pickup while looking for work in the oil fields of western North Dakota.

"We smelled," he said. "Bad."

Thousands of workers have descended on the region to seek their fortune in the oil fields, and housing construction and growth of brick-and-mortar businesses haven't kept up. The closest shower to Jensen was at a truck stop some 60 miles away. It was expensive, filthy and the wait was several hours long.

That's when the idea for a mobile shower hit him harder than the reek of his own B.O.

"There are a lot of necessities that aren't available out here," Jensen said. "Like a place to take a shower and brush your teeth."

An armada of food trucks and other roving enterprises was already catering to oilfield workers. The teen believed others also would value a hot shower nearly as much as a hot meal.

He pitched the idea to his parents back at their farm near Lake Preston in eastern South Dakota. His father and other relatives helped him convert a 53-foot semitrailer into a five-stall shower center with an office and laundry facilities.

A 6,000-gallon semi tanker alongside the trailer provides fresh water and collects the greywater.

Jensen paid for the renovation with $15,000 he earned in the past two years trapping muskrats, whose fur is sent to China to be fashioned into coats, slippers and earmuffs. Each pelt fetches about $10.

"That's a pile of muskrats," Jenson said after the construction was done.

The mobile venture, called Better Showers, rolled into an RV campground in the heart of the oil patch in June. A shower costs $10, with a half-price discount for residents of the RV park where the business is located. Towels and washcloths are $1 extra. The water pressure is strong, the soap is free and there is no time limit.

The business is parked along U.S. Highway 85, the busiest two-lane highway in western North Dakota, where about 100 trucks pass by every 10 minutes. The showers are open from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., the time when most people are getting off work.

At least two dozen people stop daily, and Jensen said most are repeat customers. They come from around the globe, and he knows most of them only by nicknames, such as "Cowboy" and "Mondo."

"It's been a very educational adventure," said Jensen, whose hometown has fewer than 600 people.

Jensen said he earned several thousand dollars this summer from the showers. He recently advertised the business on Craigslist at $95,000 and hopes to use the proceeds to pay for four years of tuition at McNally Smith College of Music in St. Paul, Minn.

The talented guitarist, percussionist and music writer begins classes this month.

McNally Smith President Harry Chalmiers said Jensen's entrepreneurial spirit will serve him well in the music industry, another tough business.

"You've got to be prepared to think outside the box and be creative and innovative," Chalmiers said. "That's always been true for musicians and in the economy today, it's true for more and more people."

Hayley Matthews, 47, moved to North Dakota from Montana a few weeks ago to start a business cleaning homes, apartments and campers for oilfield workers. Matthews said she was showering at a motel in the area, but the water there "smelled like a cat box."

Jensen's shower facility has been a godsend, she said.

"It's just wonderful to take a nice shower and still feel like a girl out here in the oil patch," Matthews said.

Jensen said he's seen customers come in grimy and grouchy and leave clean and cordial.

He passes the time between clients cleaning the facility, playing guitar and writing letters thanking friends and relatives for graduation gifts. And he contemplates other businesses.

"I brainstorm and think of what's in demand here," Jensen said. "I've got a bunch of ideas. All it takes is guts, really."


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Monday, September 3, 2012

Get On The Right Track To Internet Marketing Success.

eri39070de Posted by eri39070de on 13 hours ago

Is your online company utilizing internet marketing campaigns? If you answered no, you should certainly look into it more intently if you want better results. Below, you will find some exciting ideas regarding internet marketing to help you reinvent your online strategies.

Expanding your sales to the internet is a great way to make tons of cash. This article will help you better understand internet marketing and how to use it to your advantage.

If you want to establish an online business presence, you would be wise to utilize internet marketing. The following article can assist you as you assess and implement your online marketing strategies for your website.

For successful business promotion, business owners should consider the useful tool of internet marketing. Some of the basic knowledge needed to get started is listed below. When you get these concepts, you will be well on your way to getting the most out of your internet marketing adventure.

Understanding and utilizing the internet is a necessity for today?s businesses. You are about to learn what you need to know regarding Internet marketing and developing your own methods.

Are you utilizing internet marketing to increase your website?s visibility? You should certainly consider this method if you have not yet attempted to do so. This article will function as a jump start for those interested in internet marketing, and help create winning marketing strategies.

If you have not tried internet marketing for your business, you should consider doing it. This article helps you learn the essentials of internet marketing, enabling you to create a plan for marketing your own business online.

It is essential that you use internet marketing for your business if you want to be successful. Internet marketing offers a number of advantages. Below, some of the best online marketing techniques are listed, along with reasons to engage in this exciting field.

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Taking a Better Look at Fiber Cement Sidings and the Positive ...

In Charleston, South Carolina, having a durable siding is considered a need by its locals. Popular for its humid subtropical climate, having mild winter months but experiences significant rainfall throughout the year. The kind of siding you have installed plays a weighty function in your thermal comfort throughout these weather changes. If you notice that your heating or cooling charges are becoming high, perhaps you ought to inspect your siding. The air outside could be entering your home due to the inadequacy of the home siding material. To make sure that this does not happen, some people suggest getting fiber glass siding installed.

Fiber cement is one of the most popular siding materials for many Charleston locals; that's primarily because of the fact that it is both beautiful and also functional. This material is made of a combination of cement, sand, and cellulous fibers. One of its biggest advantages is the fact that it is fairly low maintenance.

Making use of fiber cement home siding Charleston companies supply does not require painting or scraping. It can maintain its charm for years to come, and there are an assortment of designs and styles to select from. If it's appropriately set up, it's practically confident that you'll get optimal thermal comfort. It could successfully keep the air outdoors from getting in your home, so your home will be insulated effectively; you could possibly save on your cooling and heating expenses in this manner.

Some fiber cement sidings are also apparently quite resistant to mold and mildews as well as fungi; this is wanted news for those who get easily unwell because of exposure to mold and mildew. Unlike wooden home siding, they are also resistant to termites and bring considerable curb appeal to your home. Fiber cement home siding is readily available in some businesses that specialize in the type of siding and roofing Charleston SC home owners can depend on.

If the advantages mentioned above aren't enough to get you to consider fiber cement home sidings, you could speak with any roofing contractor Charleston companies hire. He can offer you with many other siding selections that you may like better. You can find more information about the topic by logging on to

For more details, please search ? home siding charleston, roofing charleston sc, roofing contractor charleston ? in Google for related informations.

Keywords: home siding charleston, roofing charleston sc, roofing contractor charleston

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Lake Tahoe Lifestyle Festival on Sept. 8 | South Lake Tahoe ...

Peace of Mind Float Spa L.L.C. is Lake Tahoe's premiere Sensory Deprivation (Float Tank) destination. We provide 2 float tanks as well as a Far Infared Sauna and an Aroma Therapy Oxygen Bar to enhance your complete flotation experience. Operated by Karin and Darin Nobriga, long time Tahoe locals. We provide the most relaxing mind and body experience in the Tahoe basin.

We're located at 290 Kingsbury Grade, Stateline, Nevada next to the Goal Post and a quarter mile from the Stateline casinos. We offer local and casino employee discounts and encourage those who haven't floated, to try the most relaxing experience of their lives.
What is Floating?
Floating is a therapeutic treatment that isolates the user from environmental stimulus, greatly reducing stress, and easing the body into a state of equilibrium. Floating is also known as flotation therapy, floating therapy, float therapy, restricted environmental stimulation therapy (or REST), and Epsom salt hydrotherapy. The flotation tank is referred to as an isolation tank, sensory deprivation chamber, float tank, floating tank, and rest tank.

The flotation tank itself is a sensory deprivation pod with 10 inch deep water warmed to 93.5 degrees and enriched with 800 pounds of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). The tank has an advanced filtration/purification system that operates according to regulations from the State of Nevada.

The space inside is approximately 8 feet long by 4 feet wide. Although some may be wary of feeling claustrophobic the first time they float, the tank door opens freely and you are in complete control. You can come and go as you wish. You can also float with the door open. For those who would like audio stimulation, relaxing music is available.
The experience of floating is unique. Inside the tank you?ll float effortlessly on the surface of 93.5 degree water. Floaters feel a sense of weightlessness. That weightlessness, the temperature of the water, and the dark, quiet space of the tank allow the brain to ease into a theta* brain wave state. This usually happens in the second half hour of a one hour float session. First time floaters should not expect instant results. Generally it takes more than one float to completely ?let go? and fully experience flotation.


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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Evacuations near New Orleans due to flood threat

The Gulf Coast is struggling to recover from Hurricane Isaac as nearly 400,000 homes and businesses are without power. NBC's Gabe Gutierrez reports.

By Miguel Llanos, NBC News

St. Tammany Parish, a community north of New Orleans on Lake Pontchartrain, on Saturday ordered the mandatory evacuation of thousands of residents in some 1,200 homes, saying the failure of a lock along a canal was "imminent."

Parish officials said the order covers residents between Locks 1 and 2 on the Pearl River Diversion Canal. "Failure of Lock 2 is imminent," the parish said on its website.

Parish emergency officials said Saturday evening that the opening of valves had relieved pressure on Lock No. 2 but the evacuation order would remain in place.

The National Weather Service issued a flash flood warning until 4 a.m. ET Sunday.

The weather service said that if Lock and Dam No. 2 failed, the initial flood wave would be about 11 feet. It said the wave would take about one hour to travel the 11 miles downstream to Lock and Dam No. 1.?

Buses were being sent to help with the evacuations in the area north of the city of Slidell.

The order came as hundreds of thousands of people in the region tried to clean up after widespread flooding by Isaac.

Some 360,000 homes and businesses were still without power.

A $15 billion upgrade to New Orleans' levee and pump system after Hurricane Katrina helped protect the city during Isaac, but areas outside were not as lucky.

Earlier this week, a levee in Plaquemines Parish overtopped, flooding dozens of homes and drowning at least two people.

The Weather Channel's Julie Martin takes a look at a slow-moving storm that is expected to dump heavy rain on the Midwest.

The flooding outside New Orleans led some local officials to wonder if the upgrades had pushed water into the outside areas.

Related: Isaac's rains hit Missouri, Illinois

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, responding to a request from Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said Saturday it would run models to see if that was the case, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported.

David J. Phillip / AP

Ray Dumes, left, and his son Deron carry out a couch as they clean up their home in LaPlace, La., on Saturday.

Isaac's rains are now over the central U.S., helping ease the worst drought there in 50 years.

But high winds associated with the storm system were wreaking havoc. In Clay County, Ark., a possible tornado damaged two homes and hangars at the local airport. ?

Mark Rockwell / Joe Jett

A hangar lies in ruins after high winds slammed the airport in Clay County, Ark.

Mark Rockwell / Joe Jett

Wind damage at the airport in Clay County, Ark.

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